Decluttering my mind into the web ...
Important remarks:
Main sources used:
In general, an increase in entropy is equivalent to an increase in password strength. How much entropy needed depends on your threat model (e.g., local vs. server).
Usage example:
$ echo "hello world" | sha1sum 22596363b3de40b06f981fb85d82312e8c0ed511 -
For more info on the difference between a cryptographic hash function and a key derivation function, see this thread
Asymmetric cryptosystems provide the following set of functionality, to encrypt/decrypt and to sign/verify:
keygen() -> (public key, private key) (this function is randomized) encrypt(plaintext: array<byte>, public key) -> array<byte> (the ciphertext) decrypt(ciphertext: array<byte>, private key) -> array<byte> (the plaintext) sign(message: array<byte>, private key) -> array<byte> (the signature) verify(message: array<byte>, signature: array<byte>, public key) -> bool (whether or not the signature is valid)
# <directory> owner/user permissions, group permissions, other users permissions # directory example: drwxr-xr-x # private key example: -rw------- # change permissions template: $ chmod <-R> <u, g, o><+, -, =><r, w, x> "file name"
Permissions differ betwen files and directories:
Important remarks:
# copy as long of a password as you need $ openssl genrsa
# list available ciphers gpg --version # restrict permissions and encrypt $ chmod go-rwx <file name> $ gpg --verbose --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 <file name> # decrypt $ gpg <file name>
# list available ciphers gpg --version # restrict permissions, for the directory and its contents $ chmod -R go-rwx <folder name> # compress folder $ 7z a <archive name> <folder name> # encrypt archive $ gpg --verbose --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 <archive name> # decrypt archive $ gpg <archive name> # decompress archive $ 7z x <archive name> -o<folder name>
Ubuntu installer allows you to encrypt the home directory during the installation process. If you missed that chance, then you can follow this tutorial.
Documentation link.
Documentation link.
Dpcumentation link.